Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Potter Zoo in Lansing, MI

Oliver's class went to the zoo for his end of year field trip. It was so much fun. We spent most of the day w/ his buddy Cole and her little sister, Brynn who Violet loves to death! We rode camels and ponies, saw a tiger up VERY close and even had time for a little photo op at this cute little garden. TOO fun! We were all exhausted by the end of the day, which for my crazy kids is the sign of a good time for sure!


Ben & Mona said...

Just thought we'd let you know we're checking in on your blog once in awhile to see how you're doing. We love seeing the pics of your kids. They're getting so big. Ivy sounds like our oldest Tori with her nose in a book. Keep up the posts. We'll be reading!

Ben and Mona

Tobey said...

YAY for your blog!

About Me

I'm a mom who loves staying home to enjoy all the craziness of raising 4 young children. I'm married to my true love who is the hardest working guy alive. He's finishing his residency in 2011 so maybe then we'll be able to hang out again. When not running after my kids, I love to just run, which all of the sudden isn't making much sense! My #1 goal in life is to introduce my children into this life of love, laughter, and faith that I am blessed to have.