Friday, June 18, 2010

Ruby Crawls

Wait, oh wait! The biggest new by far.... The Ruster is CRAWLING!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


OK so awesome. Its only been 2 months (yikes!) So the big news is that summer is finally here! No more dragging little darlings kicking and screaming from their beds. No more soggy peanut butter jellies for lunch, no more pulling Baby Ru from her slumber to pick up kids! Hooray! Although since our move to Residency summer also means bidding farewell to dear friends who are graduating to the world of real live doctorhood. This year it is particularly painful because in addition to losing our good friends, The Balls, (Ivy's piano teacher, Ollie's favorite boys to pall around w/, and my go-to girl for EVERYTHING) We are also saying good-bye to The Thurmans. They have been w/ us since the start of Medical School and I can honestly say we consider them more like family than anything else. Seriously. I know their kids better than I know my nieces and nephews! Particularly for Ivy, this will be so sad. Sydney has been w/ her since she was one year old. I can't imagine one w/o the other. For a little surprise I had a little photo shoot with the girls and my friend Tobey who takes the most beautiful pictures you've ever seen! I'll post those later.) And while the last 4 years, they've been an hour away, it still hard to imagine not being able to see them when the mood strikes. But enough of that, I'm getting misty.
More news for me... I've been released as the primary president. Whoo-hoo, but also Boo-hoo. So hard to explain. Its a big pot of relief, freedom, regret, love, angst, fear, and satisfaction. Does that make sense to anyone out there? The big question: What's next. I'm in a ward that is not known for getting much down time!
I guess that's all for now. I'll post some pics of the kids last days of school. Best part of the year, for sure!

About Me

I'm a mom who loves staying home to enjoy all the craziness of raising 4 young children. I'm married to my true love who is the hardest working guy alive. He's finishing his residency in 2011 so maybe then we'll be able to hang out again. When not running after my kids, I love to just run, which all of the sudden isn't making much sense! My #1 goal in life is to introduce my children into this life of love, laughter, and faith that I am blessed to have.